Reactive Oxygen Species and Systems

Mitochondrial bioenergetics

The mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation embraces the reactions that allow ATP synthesis using the energy made available from substrate oxidation at the respiratory chain. The two processes are coupled through the proton gradient generated during the transfer of electrons from the substrates to oxygen. Our group investigates  the mechanisms that modulate the energetic efficiency of the process.Grfico UCP oxphos Web 2011
The uncoupling proteins (abbreviated UCP) are carriers of the mitochondrial inner membrane whose biological function is to allow a regulated discharge of the proton gradient. There are a large number of processes that appear to involve the UCPs.

Foto Eduardo Rial

     For example, this energy dissipatory mechanism is used by mammals to maintain body temperature when cold exposed or to burn excess calories ingested with the diet. Since the UCPs catalyze the re-entry of protons into the mitochondrial matrix, they cause an increase in the rate of respiration that leads to a decrease in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and therefore the UCPs are an element of the cellular defences again oxidative stress. Thus, the uncoupling protein UCP2, which is found in many tissues and organs, is over-expressed in pathological processes in which ROS play an important role in the development of the disease (atherosclerosis, cancer, chronic inflammation, etc.).

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