Reactive Oxygen Species and Systems

Oxidative stress in yeast

     The main objective of this research group is to analyze the impact of oxidative stress on cellular functions. Regarding that topic, the production of reactive oxygen species and oxidative damage in macromolecules is analyzed. Relying on two types of models; yeasts and primary cultures of cardiomyocytes and neurons and with proteomic approaches we study deregulation of iron metabolism. More specifically we analyze the relationship between oxidative stress and the accumulation of intracellular iron produced in frataxin deficient cells following the macromolecular damage. These processes appear in some human diseases. This is the case of Friedrich's Ataxia.

grupo 2016

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 Address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Universidad de Lleida. IRB Lleida. Dpto CC Biomédicas. Fac de Medicina  Avenida Rovira  Roura, 80. Edificio Biomedicina  Lleida. 973702275